Why Low-Tech Sells
Earlier today, I was reading about the imminent release of a new Royal Enfield model called the Himalayan. It reminded me that Royal Enfield has seen great success in the last few years despite producing motorcycles that offer very low engine performance by modern standards. The Royal Enfield Continental GT model (featured in the video below) has been quite popular, but many of their models sell well not only in India where they are made, but abroad.
As we have told you before, you don’t need high horsepower to enjoy riding a motorcycle. Maybe it is our lifelong affinity for the beat of our mother’s heart, but bikes that bring us closer to the mechanical process beneath us always seem to draw a fan base regardless of their objective performance. Two examples are pictured here, including the Royal Enfield Continental GT above, and the Moto Guzzi Griso pictured below. You can see some other examples here.
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Source: www.motorcycledaily.com